12 must-know pros and cons of remote working

Remote employees are also more productive thanks to their ability to structure deep work time. They are no longer trying to fill an eight hour block of time with work, but rather make meaningful progress on the projects that they’re working on when they are feeling most productive. Because of this, they are less likely to schedule meetings for topics that could have been discussed over email or a quick Slack message. Efficiency is everything to a remote employee – which means they’re spending less time on redundant communication and more time getting work done for your business.

benefits of working remotely

For many digital nomads, wherever they lay their laptop is their home. Without the ties of a physical office, many fully remote employees are taking advantage of the freedom to work from anywhere—whether it be their hometown, the suburbs or the beaches of Bora Bora. For the vast majority of employees, meaningful benefits are so important, they even trump a higher salary. One of the biggest benefits of remote working for a business is that it unlocks new talent.

Benefits of remote work

Over the past year, remote work has become the new normal for millions of people around the world. While some people may have been hesitant to embrace remote work in the past, the pandemic has shown that it is not only possible but also highly effective. In fact, there are many benefits of working remotely that you may not have considered. Working remotely gives employees the opportunity to craft a workspace that meets their individual requirements, such as an inviting and tranquil home office. Access to work-life flexibility is a major contributor to employee loyalty. It’s the kind of incentive that is not only viewed positively by employees, but also encourages them to prove their value to the company in order to keep it.

However, this technology isn’t beneficial if employees don’t know how to use it. Here are couple of quick-start guides on using Teams and Zoom. Some organizations settled into a work-from-home routine quickly. For others, it took time as they set up systems to enable remote work. Once organizations worked out the kinks, they found this new way of working had some benefits. Here are some things for businesses to keep in mind as the world emerges from lockdowns and into a new working environment.


This article outlines the benefits of remote work for employees and employers. Remote work means employees can work from anywhere — not just their home. If asynchronous work is appropriate, organizations can even extend operations beyond a typical 9 to 5 workday.

  • An internet connection issue at your home or remote working space can cause interruptions to work.
  • Her articles are informative and interesting at the same time as she can express insightful thoughts clearly.
  • This greater sense of comfort and better work-life balance lead to less stress.
  • In her experience, these impromptu interactions often generated the most creative ideas and problem-solving, and she noticed a loss of productive collaboration when her company first went remote.
  • They will also be more inclined to see the business’s perspective if they see hard data to support this decision.

Only 76% of new hires agreed they have what they need to do their job from home, compared to 85% of tenured employees. If you are considering a completely remote setup for your business, you can overcome most of the cons by keeping our best practices as a guideline to manage remote workers. Investing in the right tools and software https://remotemode.net/ programs for your teams make it far easier to maintain working arrangements for your employees. Now that we’ve discussed the pros and cons of remote working, let’s look at how you can maintain a thriving remote working environment. Having employees work remotely has some fantastic time and cost-saving perks for your company.

benefits of remote work for employers

The points we would discuss will give a clear picture of things to accompany remote work. Contact us or schedule a consultation to see how we can help you handle the process of going remote. Remote work requires you to become familiar with a variety of tech tools and software.

And more often than not, having to buy takeout isn’t always the healthiest option. Employees also tend to take lesser leaves since they don’t get as stressed or burnt out working from home. When employees are happy, they’ll be more satisfied with their work. A professional couple who make over $200,000 combined say it’s ‘hilarious’ to think they could afford a home in Los…

Benefits Of Remote Work For Employees

One way to keep yourself from getting distracted is to use the Pomodoro Technique. Set a timer for 25 minutes of work, then how companies benefit when employees work remotely give yourself a five-minute break. Tens of thousands of car accidents each year are caused by people dozing at the wheel.

Why do employees prefer to work remotely?

Remote workers are more productive because they have no commute, less or no office small talk, fewer distractions, more time for family, exercise, a higher quality of life, and better overall work-life balance.

Working remotely allows employees to work from anywhere in the world, whether that’s from home, a public space, or an international location. This work is typically done on a computer, with various synchronous and asynchronous communication tools allowing the worker to communicate with other employees. Many people—and their companies—were surprised to find they were more productive when working in remote settings. The absence of time wasted in commuting and travel is an obvious benefit, but they also found they were more focused when working without all the typical office distractions. Working from the office, it’s often difficult to juggle family tasks with job-related workload. Going remote means more control over our day and gives us a chance to prioritise and schedule each day differently.